



當金剛拍著心想要表達beautiful scene

讓我想起A beautiful mind中後面的橋段

Nash's wife touch his heart and told him "It's the real"


As finished watching "King Kong",we have meal in the Global Mall as well.

Meanwhile,seriously headache pained me but I don't want to rest anymore cause
X'mas eve is a meaningful day for me.

Consquently,Leaving for several places such as "Living Mall","Tapei 101" then back home
because of my headache and late to Miramar that we'll go tomorrow night.


Arrivaling at Miramar was almost 10:30 pm,most of stores were closed
but much people was here still.

To make matters worse,my camera turned off while taking Ferries Wheels. Jesus!!

How terrible in Christmas 2005.............

Perhaps only one thing could cheer me is 4 year Anniversary

and I make sure that will go on no matter what we suffer from.

Thanks for you to guide me touching the euphoria.

Thanks for you to tolerate such childish I am.

At this time,I do appreciate the words like " You are all the reason I am, you are
all my reason, my only reason" said John Nash,a genius at math at the Nobel Prize Ceremony.


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